Cornelian Cornish Rex Cattery

Cornish rex FIFe standard


Size Medium


Shape Medium wedge, head lenght about 1/3 greater than the maximum widht; narrowing to a strong chin. In profile a straight line seen from the centre of the forehead to the end of the nose
Skull Flat
Nose Straight
Chin Strong
Whiskers/Eyebrows of good lenght and crincled


Shape Large, wide at the base and tapening to rounded tips, well covered wirh fine hair
Placement Set high on the head


Shape Medium in size, almond at shape
Colour Bright, clear and pure colour


Structure of medium lenght, hard and muscular, slender


Long straight and slender, giving an overall appearance of being high on legs
Paws Small and oval


Long, fine and tapening; well covered with curly hair


Structure Short and dense, slightly plushly; without guard hairs. Curly or wavy, particularly on the back and tail
Colour All colours and patterns are recognized, including those with white. Any amount of white permitted.


Head Too broad head, too long head
Ears Too small ears
Body Cobby body, lack or firm muscles
Tail Short tail, bare or bushy tail
Coat Shaggy or too little waves in coat, bare patches - a fault in kittens, in adults a serious fault

Cornish rex CFA standard

GENERAL: the Cornish Rex is distinguished from all other breeds by its extremely soft, wavy coat and racy type. It is surprisingly heavy and warm to the touch. All contours of the Cornish Rex are gently curved. By nature, the Cornish Rex is intelligent, alert, and generally likes to be handled.

PROFILE: a curve comprised of two convex arcs. The forehead is rounded, the nose break smooth and mild, and the Roman nose has a high prominent bridge.

HEAD: comparatively small and egg shaped. Length about one-third greater than the width. A definite whisker break, oval with gently curving outline in front and in profile.

MUZZLE: narrowing slightly to a rounded end.

EARS: large and full from the base, erect and alert; set high on the head.

EYES: medium to large in size, oval in shape, and slanting slightly upward. A full eye's width apart. Color should be clear, intense, and appropriate to coat color.

NOSE: Roman. Length is one-third length of head. In profile a straight line from end of nose to chin with considerable depth and squarish effect.

CHEEKS: cheek bones high and prominent, well chiseled.

CHIN: strong, well-developed.

BODY: very distinctive, small to medium in size, males proportionately larger but never coarse. Torso long and slender, not tubular, showing a deep, but not broad chest. The general outline is comprised of graceful arches and curves without any sign of flatness. The back is naturally arched and evident when the cat is standing naturally. The underline gently curves upward from the ribcage to form a smallish (tucked up in appearance) waistline. Hips and thighs muscular and feel somewhat heavy in proportion to the rest of the body.

SHOULDERS: well-knit.

RUMP: rounded, well-muscled.

LEGS: very long and slender. Thighs well-muscled, somewhat heavy in proportion to the rest of the body. The Cornish Rex stands high on its legs.

PAWS: dainty, slightly oval. Toes: five in front and four behind.

TAIL: long and slender, tapering toward the end and extremely flexible.

NECK: long and slender.

BONE: fine and delicate.

COAT: short, extremely soft, silky, and completely free of guard hairs. Relatively dense. A tight, uniform marcel wave, lying close to the body and extending from the top of the head across the back, sides, and hips continuing to the tip of the tail. Size and depth of wave may vary. The fur on the underside of the chin and on chest and abdomen is short and noticeably wavy.

CONDITION: firm and muscular.

PENALIZE: sparse coat or bare spots.

DISQUALIFY: kinked or abnormal tail. Incorrect number of toes. Any coarse or guard hairs. Any signs of lameness in the hindquarters. Signs of poor health.

Cornelian Cornish Rex Cattery — Copyright Anna and Michel Kuzmenko © 2001-2020